1. Who are the main characters in the film?The principals characters are LouAnne, Emilio, Hal, Raúl, Callie.
2. Why does Lou Anne accept the job?
She accepted the job because she needed money.
3. Is Lou Anne getting the student's attention? How?
Yes, she is. She gave a prize who said the correct answer or did a funny things.
1. Are the students learning poetry?How?
Yes, but in the finally. They learned poetry because the search the second meaning of ti.
2. What's the prize for the contest?
The prize was a Candy Bar.
3. Whoa are the winners?
The winners were Callie, Raúl and Durrell.
4. Who's finally going?
Raúl was the only person who went to the restaurant.
5. What do they have for dinner?
They ate chicken
6. What's Raul's problem?
He bought a nice jacket, but he hadn't money for payed it so he stole the money for bought it.
7. What's Lou Anne's offer?
LouAnnes offers her money but Raúl must got a graduate certificate.
6. What's Callie's problem?
She was pregnant.
7. What's Emilio's problem?
One boy wanted kill him because the boy was in the jail he had the same girlfriend that him so he was angry with Emilio
8. How is Lou Anne helping Callie?
She talked with the principal of the school and the mother of Callie.
9. How is Lou Anne helping Emilio?
She invited Emilio in her house, in the night. And she talked with the principal of the school.
10. Is Emilio asking for help to the principal?
Yes, but he didn't knock the door, and the principal he didn't wanted talked with him.
11. What happens to Emilio?
The boy killed him.
12. Is Lou Anne leaving the job? Why?
At the end of the year, she announces to the class that she will not be continuing to teach at the school, which prompts an unbridled display of emotion from the students who refuse to let her leave. Overwhelmed, she reconsiders the decision.
WHAT'S THE SONG ABOUT?It's about the corruption and the gangsta's world. Many of the lyrics are very dark and tragic and are meant to be a criticism of the violence and tragedy of the "gangsta" life.
I think the system is not very effective, because the percentage; 30% students in Catalonia don't get ESO Certificate, is very high, probably if the system was good the percentage wouldn't be this number.
I think the students should study more.
There are parents who don't spend time with their children but there are parents who spend a lot of time helping and talking with them.
My average class is between 6 and 7, I think.
The problem is the system the students and the parents, because they all have some blame on it.
Clàudia: Hi
Gemma: Hi
Clàudia: Hi. The chef is featuring foie gras with smoked duck and figs on a hill of bulgar.Uh, salmon tartar in potato gaufrette... over wild mushrooms, and fennel salad. Uh, for the entree we're featuring... a complex shellfish pan roast with orso, a touch of comfit and a broth thickened with lobster shell oil. All very, very good.
Gemma: Could we have a few minutes, please?
Clàudia: Ah, yes.
Gemma: Thank you.
Ferran: Are you sure they got chicken?
Gemma: Yes. Here. See, it's right there, sweetie. You see? Poulet. And when the waiter comes back, you may as well talk to him. lt'll be good practice|for your summer job interviews.
Ferran: I can't talk to that guy. He probably thinks I'm weird or something.
Gemma:He does not. He can't help but notice your natural charm. You just look him straight in the eye and you talk to him like you would anyone else.
Ferran: OK