dijous, 12 de gener del 2012

The frist Knight

Centuries ago a great king lived and fought in Britain. The story of this king is one of the world's most favourite legends. This time we're learning about  the adventurous world of King Arthur and the knights of the Round Table.


1. What is a legend? 
 A legend is a narrative that people tell as a true story. Sometimes the details are difficult to confirm, but usually the story names people and identifies locations. Legends often contain a moral or a lesson and are told to uphold the values of the community. They often involve supernatural or religious elements.

2. Was King Arthur only legend?
 Yes, there is a legend, because Arthur wasn't exist, but there was a person who was similar of King Arthur.
3. What is a knight?
A man given a rank of honour by a British king or queen because of his special achievements, and who has the right to be called 'Sir', or (in the past) a man of high social position trained to fight as a soldier on a horse

Hi, I am a princess of Leonesse. I'm Princess Guinivert. I dedided to marry Arthur, for security against Malagant. Who was villian.
One day while I was travelling with the ladies. The knights of Malagant, made an ambush meant to kidnap me, but Lancelot helped me. Lancelot fell in love with me and he tried to kiss me, but I refused the kiss.
When I arrived to Camelot, I married Arthur.
One day, Malagant tried again to kindap me, but this time he succeeded. Again this time Lancelot recused me. In gratitude, Arthur offered Lancelot a higher calling in life as a Knight of the Round Table.
When I was in my room with Lancelot, I asked him if he wanted to kiss me, but we were kissing when Arthur's opened the door... While we were on trial for the kiss to Lancelot, again Malagant invaded Camelot. He killed my husband, but lancelot killed him and the las words of Arthur were: Lancelot, you are my first knight.
I was very sad, for the death, but Lancelot and me are in love, and now he is the king.